On this page you will find information related to the hearings of submissions on the freshwater parts of the proposed ORPS. 

Hearings Panel

The Chief Freshwater Commissioner appointed a panel to hear submissions on the proposed ORPS (Freshwater parts).

The members of the panel were:

  • Ron Crosby – Chair and Freshwater Commissioner
  • Bianca Sullivan – ORC nominated panel member
  • Allan Cubitt - ORC nominated panel member
  • Rauru Kirikiri - Tangata whenua nominated panel member

Parties’ primary evidence

Parties’ rebuttal evidence

Submitter Author
Forest & Bird Maggie Burns
Kāi Tahu Sandra McIntyre
Otago and Central South Island Fish and Game Councils Jayde Couper
Otago and Central South Island Fish and Game Councils Ami Coughlan
Otago and Central South Island Fish and Game Councils Nigel Paragreen
Otago and Central South Island Fish and Game Councils, Realnz Limited, and NZSkiLimited Ben Farrell

Parties’ supplementary evidence

Submitter Author
Department of Conservation Murray Brass
Kāi Tahu Maria Bartlett
Kāi Tahu Sandra McIntyre
Manawa Energy Ltd Stephanie Styles
Meridian Energy Ltd Susan Ruston
Otago and Central South Island Fish and Game Councils Ben Farrell
Otago and Central South Island Fish and Game Councils

Jayde Couper

Oceana Gold Ltd Claire Hunter
Silver Fern Farms John Kyle
Transpower NZ Ltd Ainsley McLeod

Parties’ material presented at hearing