Part of the Enviroschools philosophy is to share knowledge and learning. One way to find out what our participating schools have been up to is through our newsletters.


Ōtākou Enviroschools newsletter #4- Dec 2024

December 2024

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In this newsletter, we wrap up a busy Term 4 with six student hui across Ōtākou, fostering environmental leadership and community connections. Highlights include Waitaki Boys' successful EnviroDay, Papakaio School's holistic reflection celebration, and Ōtākou Enviroschools’ feature on the REthinking Waste podcast. We also farewell Dunedin Facilitator Tess Mackay and look ahead to 2025 with new plans and team updates.

Ōtākou Enviroschools newsletter #3 - Oct 2024

October 2024

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In this newsletter, we celebrate the achievements of Millers Flat and Warepa Schools as they reflect on their Enviroschools journeys, with Millers Flat reaching Green Gold and Warepa earning Bronze. We welcome Romahapa School as the 101st Enviroschool in Ōtākou and highlight student-led sustainability initiatives, from making beeswax wraps to hands-on geochemistry and biodiversity exploration. We also say farewell to Chelsea Donnelly and share updates on the upcoming changes to Holistic Reflections in 2025.

Ōtākou Enviroschools newsletter #2 - Jul 2024

July 2024

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In this newsletter, we highlight the inspiring Teacher Hui held in Cromwell and Dunedin, where key kaiako connected and strengthened their sustainability knowledge. We celebrate Weston School’s Silver Reflection and share how Papakaio students are learning from others to support their own environmental projects. We also welcome new Regional Coordinator Lead, Leisa de Klerk, and showcase student-led initiatives, including Logan Park High School’s beeswax wrap fundraiser and Queenstown Primary’s creative pollution awareness campaign. Plus, we check in with our Ōtākou team as they connect in Wellington to deepen their Enviroschools kaupapa.

Ōtākou Enviroschools newsletter #1 - Jan 2024

January 2024

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In this newsletter Enviroschools facilitators share some highlights of their work with schools. A consistent theme from the facilitators is that Enviroschools is about empowering students and making connections between people and te taiao creating resilient communities.


Ōtākou Enviroschools newsletter #3 - May 2021

November 2021

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In this issue: We celebrate the creative and innovative mahi happening in Ōtākau's Enviroschools, highlighting the importance of environmental action for a sustainable future. The newsletter features results from a nationwide survey, showcasing how Enviroschools are making a positive impact on students and communities. It also includes inspiring stories of student-led sustainability initiatives, such as Kavanagh College's style day promoting second-hand clothing and Queenstown Primary's tree planting at Moke Lake. Additionally, the newsletter emphasizes the significance of connecting students with their local environment through hands-on projects.

Ōtākou Enviroschools newsletter #2 - May 2021

May 2021

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In this issue: As winter sets in, we explore key sustainability initiatives, from e-waste recycling and Plastic Free July to World Environment Day. We also remind schools about the Earthwise Action Fund and encourage deeper connections with local ecosystems through hands-on activities.

Ōtākou Enviroschools newsletter #1 - Mar 2021

March 2021

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In this issue: As autumn settles in, we reflect on the inspiring efforts of Otago schools participating in the Enviroschools programme. This newsletter highlights sustainable fundraising options, such as cotton produce bags, and encourages participation in Earth Hour on 27 March to raise awareness about climate change. We also feature the "If the Earth Were an Apple" activity, illustrating the finite nature of our planet's resources, and remind schools about the upcoming Earthwise Action Fund application deadline on 14 May.

Earlier issues

Ōtākou Enviroschools newsletter #2 - Jul 2017

July 2017

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In this issue: We highlight the innovative environmental initiatives undertaken by Otago schools, including St Gerard’s School's waste audit, Queenstown Montessori's sustainability projects, Makarora School's tourism impact study, and Carisbrook Primary School's waste reduction efforts. These stories exemplify the creativity and commitment of our Enviroschools community in promoting environmental stewardship.

Ōtākou Enviroschools newsletter #1 - Feb 2017

February 2017

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In this issue: We introduce Robyn Zink as the new Enviroschools Regional Coordinator, funded by the Otago Regional Council. The newsletter features inspiring stories from schools across Otago, including St Gerard’s School's waste audit, Queenstown Montessori's sustainability initiatives, Makarora School's tourism impact project, and Carisbrook Primary School's waste reduction efforts. These examples highlight the creativity and dedication of our Enviroschools community in fostering environmental stewardship.

Ōtākou Enviroschools newsletter - 2014–2015

March 2015

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In this issue: We celebrate the inspiring mahi of Otago schools as they embrace the Enviroschools kaupapa, fostering sustainability and resilience in their communities. This newsletter highlights student-led projects, school initiatives, and community collaborations that showcase creative and meaningful environmental action across the region.