Thursday 7 November 2024
1PM - 5PM
Venue: ORC Council Chamber Level 2, Philip Laing House 144 Rattray St, Dunedin
The Otago Regional Council Safety and Resilience Committee Meeting covers key natural hazard management initiatives, including updates on the Roxburgh debris flows programme, Head of Lake Whakatipu adaptation strategy, and North East Valley (Lindsay Creek) flood mitigation. Discussions will also focus on the Otago Region Natural Hazards Prioritisation framework for future hazard response and adaptation planning.
To update the Council on the progress with the Roxburgh debris flows hazard management programme.
To update the Committee on the progress related to the development of a natural hazards adaptation strategy for the Head of Lake Whakatipu area.
To update the Committee on the programme for investigations into reducing the flood risk in North East Valley (Lindsay Creek).
To present the approach developed for the prioritisation of future natural hazards activities within the Otago region.