Wednesday 8 May 2024
9AM - 12PM
Venue: ORC Council Chamber Level 2, Philip Laing House 144 Rattray St, Dunedin
The Environmental Implementation Committee meeting covers Eco Fund recommendations, Integrated Catchment Management updates, and freshwater projects for Tomahawk Lagoon, Lake Tuakitoto, and Lake Hayes. Discussions include marine biosecurity, the Otago Wallaby Eradication Programme, and the 2024–2025 Regional Pest Management Plan Operational Plan. The committee will also decide on an updated Biosecurity Compliance and Enforcement Policy.
No apologies were received prior to publication of the agenda.
No requests to speak at Public Forum were received at the time of agenda publication.
Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.
Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have. Councillor Declarations of Interests are published on the ORC website.
Confirming the minutes of the 8 February 2024 meeting as a true and accurate record.
To seek endorsement of the recommended applications for ECO Fund and Incentives Funding for the March 2024 round, as well as the recommended funding to targeted groups under the Terrestrial Site-Led programme fund.
To provide an update on the Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) Programme.
To provide an update on progress on the development of an Otago marine biosecurity programme.
This report provides an update on the three ORC priority water quality projects: Tomahawk Lagoon, Lake Tuakitoto, and Lake Hayes. It also includes updates on the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) funded Toitū Te Hakapupu/Pleasant River Catchment Restoration project and the Site-Led freshwater pest management programme for Lagarosiphon.
To update the Environmental Implementation Committee on the Otago Wallaby Eradication Programme and provide recommendations to ensure the programme is achieving the best outcomes possible with the goal of wallaby eradication in Otago.
To seek approval of the 2024-2025 Biosecurity Operational Plan.
This report seeks approval of an updated version of the Biosecurity Compliance and Enforcement Policy that applies to the Otago Regional Pest Management Plan (RPMP) and the statutory requirements of the Biosecurity Act (1993).