Thursday 27 June 2024
11:15AM - 2:30PM
Venue: ORC Council Chamber Level 2, Philip Laing House 144 Rattray St, Dunedin
The Environmental Science and Policy Committee meeting covers air quality trends (2005–2023), the Annual Water Quality Report (2018–2023), and conservation statuses of indigenous plants and amphibians in Otago. Additional reports include land and soil monitoring, contact recreation water quality, and soil health data.
An amended version of the report (Recreational Water Quality Report Card 2024) is now published to the website reflecting the discussion regarding to terminology used relating to irrigation water.
No apologies received at the time of publication.
At the time of publishing, no requests to speak had been received.
Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.
Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have. The Register of Councillors Pecuniary Interests is published on the ORC website.
At the time of printing, no requests to present had been received.
That the minutes of the Environmental Science and Policy Committee Meeting of 20 March 2024 be received and confirmed as a true and accurate record.
There are currently no open actions for this committee.
This report shares the State of the Environment (SOE) report: Air quality trends 2005 – 2023 and briefly summarises the key findings.
This report presents the Water Quality and Biomonitoring report 2018-2023, providing the most recent results of State of the Environment (SoE) monitoring to inform attribute tables in Appendix 2A and Appendix 2B of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (NPSFM, 2020). Additional regional analysis of the results is also included.
This paper outlines current biodiversity documentation efforts at ORC, including the development of regional threat classifications for indigenous vascular plants and amphibians in Otago.
This report presents the Water Quality and Biomonitoring report 2018-2023, providing the most recent results of State of the Environment (SoE) monitoring undertaken to inform attribute tables in Appendix 2A and Appendix 2B of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (NPSFM, 2020). Additional regional analysis of the results is included.