Safety and Resilience Committee Agenda - 10 August 2023
1. Welcome
2. Apologies - No apologies were submitted prior to publication of the agenda.
3. Public Forum - No requests to speak were made prior to publication of the agenda.
4. Confirmation of Agenda - Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation.
5. Declaration of Interests - Councillor interests are published on the ORC website.
6. Confirmation of Minutes
6.1 Minutes of the 10 May 2023 meeting
7. Open Actions from Resolutions of the Committee - There are no open actions for this meeting.
8. Matters for Consideration
8.1 South Dunedin Programme Update - Update on the South Dunedin Future programme and the work plan through to mid-2024.
8.2 Head of Lake Whakatipu Natural Hazards Adaptation - Progress on the development of a natural hazards adaptation strategy.
8.3 Programme Update: Climate Resilience, Flood Repairs and Projects - Update on flood protection engineering projects, flood recovery, and recent storm damage to ORC infrastructure.
8.4 CDEM Partnership Report 2022-2023 - Report on ORC’s responsibilities under the Otago Civil Defence and Emergency Management Agreement for 2022/23.