Otago Regional Council's resource consent charging system is based on the principle of ‘user pays’. This means that if your activity requires a consent then you pay the costs of assessing and monitoring the consent and maintaining records relating to that activity.

Our application fees and deposits are set through the Long Term Plan (LTP) and Annual Plan process.

We are here to help

Pre-application meetings and reviews

If you get in touch with us before you apply for a resource consent, we can check you are applying for the right type of consent and that you include enough information to avoid unnecessary delays and costs.

We offer different kinds of pre-application services:

  1. You can email or call us at any time with your consent questions and we will provide a response. This is best if you are certain about what you are applying for, or have a more general set of questions.
  2. A short meeting with one of our public enquiries' officers. These meetings are free and will last for up to 30 minutes. They will give you a high-level understanding of:
    • Whether your project will need a resource consent
    • What you need to do to get it
    • Which rules are likely to be triggered by your proposal
  3. An in-depth review of your application by a Consents Planner before it is lodged. This will provide you with advice on what is missing from your application. There are two kinds of in-depth pre-application meeting:
    • Standard pre-application meeting to get detailed feedback and notes on your proposal
    • Comprehensive pre-application meeting which is typically needed for large scale projects. If your proposal is complex, you may need multiple meetings before you're ready to apply.

Our time for the above is charged in line with our Scale of Charges.

To set up a pre-application meeting, fill in the Request for Pre-Application Advice Form and email to consent.applications@orc.govt.nz

If you are not sure what advice you might need, email consent.enquiries@orc.govt.nz or call us on 0800 474 082.

Site visits

At any time before you lodge your application, if you want to know what rules apply you can ask us to come out and visit you on site. As part of this we will come out on site and have a look at what you are proposing to do. This is a great option for all applications, but is recommended if you are looking at clearing a stream; want advice on what is a waterway or not, or are looking to discharge dairy shed effluent to land.