Hawkeswood Mining Limited — RM23.819

Public notice is hereby given pursuant to S.95A Resource Management Act 1991 that the following application for resource consent has been received by the Otago Regional Council.

Application No. RM23.819

To construct a bore (mine pit pond), to take and use groundwater for the purpose of mine pit pond dewatering (retrospective and proposed), to discharge water containing sediment to water in a bore and to land in a manner that may enter water, to discharge water containing sediment to land for the purpose of trialling pit dewatering (retrospective), and to discharge to air contaminants from the operation of an alluvial gold mine, for the purpose of operating an alluvial gold mine.

The proposal is a discretionary activity under Rules,, 12.C.3.2, and 12.B.4.1 of the Regional Plan: Water for Otago, and Rule of the Regional Plan: Air for Otago.

Purpose: Alluvial gold mining

Location: 1346 – 1536 Teviot Road, Roxburgh, approximate midpoint of site at about NZTM2000 E1318684 N4938802

Legal Descriptions of Property:
Section 3 SO 24438
Section 102 Block VIII Benger SD
Section 84 Block VII Benger SD
Section 110 118 Block VII Benger SD
Part Section 96 Block VIII Benger SD
Section 92 Block VIII Benger SD
Section 90 Block VIII Benger SD
Section 91 Block VIII Benger SD
Section 106 Block VIII Benger SD
Lot 2-3 DP 375668
Lot 4 DP 375668
Section 93, Section 97, Section 40, Part Section 89 Block VIII Benger SD

Reasons for public notification

The Council must publicly notify an application if the applicant requests it. In this case, the applicant has requested that the application be publicly notified.

Full details of this application are also available for inspection at Otago Regional Council, 70 Stafford Street, Dunedin during working hours (8 am to 5 pm). Enquiries may be directed to Danielle Ter Huurne by phone to 0800 474 082 or by email to danielle.terhuurne@orc.govt.nz.

Submission information

Submissions on the above application must be received by Otago Regional Council and the applicant (Hawkeswood Mining Limited) no later than 5 pm on Monday, 19 February 2024.

Please note that applications have also been made to the Central Otago District Council (RC230325) for this activity. If you intend to submit on matters which fall for consideration within the jurisdiction of those resource consents, then submissions will also need to be made to Central Otago District Council. Please see details on their website.

A submission form is available for download below.

Download submission form — PDF

Download submission form — Word document

Submissions must be forwarded to: Otago Regional Council, Private Bag 1954, Dunedin 9054, or by email to submissions@orc.govt.nz.

You must also serve a copy of your submission to the applicant – Hawkeswood Mining Limited, c/o Barry Macdonell, Macdonell Consulting Ltd, by post at 119 Dunstan Road, Alexandra 9391 or by email to barry@macdonellconsulting.co.nz.

Any person may make a submission on the application, but a person who is a trade competitor of the applicant may do so only if that person is directly affected by an effect of the activity to which the application relates that:
(a) adversely affects the environment; and
(b) does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.
Submissions must be dated and signed (unless submitted electronically) and must include the following information:
1. Your name, postal address and telephone number (email and fax number if applicable);
2. Details of the application in respect of which you are making the submission;
3. Whether it is in support of, or in opposition to the application, or is neutral;
4. Your submissions, with reasons;
5. The decision that you wish Council to make; and
Whether you wish to be heard in support of your submission and you must also serve a copy of your submission on the applicant as soon as reasonably practicable.



Application documentation

Additional Documentation


ORC Conditions - Submitters Comments and Hawkeswood Mining Limited Response