BSTGT Limited and Antony Patrick McQuilkin, Nicola Jane McQuilkin, Kate Louise Skeggs, Samuel Angus McQuilkin, and Graeme Morris Todd Trustees of the A.P McQuilkin Family Trust - RM19.151

RM19.151.01 -           

To take and use surface water as primary allocation from the Royal Burn North Branch and New Chums Creek for the irrigation, domestic and stock drinking water purposes.


Site 1: Upper Royal Burn North Branch, approximately 1.2 kilometres north of the intersection of Glencoe Road and Crown Range Road, Arrowtown

Site 2: Upper Royal Burn North Branch, approximately 600 metres north of the intersection of Glencoe Road and Crown Range Road, Arrowtown

Site 3: New Chums Creek, approximately 3.4 kilometres north west of the intersection of Glencoe Road and Crown Range Road, Arrowtown.

Legal Description: 

Site 1: Lot DP 458870

Site 2: Lot 102 DP 473144 – Access Road

Site 3: Section 29 Block X Shotover SD

Full details of this application are also available for inspection at Otago Regional Council, 70 Stafford Street, Dunedin during working hours (8 am to 5 pm). Enquiries may be directed to Alexandra King by phone to 0800 474 082 or by email to


Consent application for RM19.151

Hearing for RM19.151

Minutes for RM19.151


Photos & video relating to evidence provided by Kate McKinlay from Gallaway Cook Allan is pending. Please contact us should you require copies.

S42A Report and Appendices

Submitters Evidence

Evidence in Reply

Counsel’s opening submissions for RM19.151

Changes to recommended conditions RM19.151

Decision for RM19.151