Port Otago Limited Application - RM10.193

The Otago Regional Council has received applications from Port Otago Limited for resource consent to:

  • Deepen, widen, and maintain the lower harbour channel;
  • the swing area and Port Chalmers berths; and to allow the passage of larger ships to Port Chalmers;
  • dispose of the dredge spoil to sea, and;
    extend the multi-purpose wharf and to construct a new fishing jetty at Port Chalmers

The applications were lodged on 26 May 2010 and were publicly notified on 19 June 2010. The submission period was extended to twice the usual period, and closed on 13 August 2010. The longer submission period recognised the scale and complexity of the activities for which consent is being sought. One hundred and ninety-eight submissions were received.


The hearing

The hearing for the applications began on 4 April 2011 at 9am ran for three weeks. The hearing location was:

Council Chambers
Otago Regional Council
70 Stafford Street

Port Otago Ltd's Project Next Generation Applications were heard by an independent panel of commissioners from 4 to 19 April 2011. The hearing was officially closed on 6 May 2011.


Port Otago evidence documents

4 April 2011


5 April 2011


6 April 2011


7 April 2011


11 April 2011


12 April 2011

On Tuesday 12 April Kāti Huirapa Rūnaka ki Puketeraki and Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou presented their submissions at the Ōtākou Marae.


13 April 2011


14 April 2011


15 April 2011


18 April 2011


19 April 2011


Port Otago - Right of reply:



There are a variety of documents relating to these applications and their processing which you may be interested in. These are provided below:

The general application


Supporting information for the Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE)


Council staff recommending report

This includes a staff recommendation to the Hearing Panel as to whether the consent applications should be granted or declined, and if granted, which consent conditions should be imposed to ensure adverse effects of the proposed activities are minor.

Please note there are A3 sized pages within the A4 sized document and most of the A3 maps are in colour.

If you have any questions about these applications please contact the Resource Management Administration Team for assistance on (03) 474 0827 or 0800 474 082.


Public Submissions

Summary of Submissions

This document summarises the 195 public submissions, including late submissions, received on the Port Otago Ltd resource consent application to dredge Otago Harbour.

A hard copy or a CD of public submissions on the Port Otago application is avaliable on request.

Phone (03) 474 0827 or email info@orc.govt.nz.