A report on ORC’s financial performance and service delivery results is presented to Committee/Council on a quarterly basis.

The quarterly activity report provides information relating to the progress of ORC’s planned activities as outlined in the Annual Plan.   


Quarter two performance results

These are the results against the service measures and targets set out in the 2022-2023 Annual Plan.

For more detail on ORC's activities and planned delivery for the year view the full Annual Plan 2022-2023.


Quarter 2 2022-2023 summary donut chart

Quarter two results for the 69 targets related to the 10 activities delivered in 2022-2023.


Quarter two highlights

We are on track to meet 77% of our service delivery targets.


Swimmer icon Land and Water Regional Plan (LWRP) stage two consultation, and regionwide provisions workshops with key stakeholders were both completed as planned.
Swimmer icon

ORC’s contact recreation monitoring programme was extended this summer with four new sites added; water quality testing is occurring at 31 popular Otago swimming sites from December until March.
Warning triangle icon

Incident response capacity has increased with six new incident responders trained and warranted to respond to pollution complaints.
Mobile phone icon

Increased website and social media reach; higher number of website visits and social media followers than prior year.


The full Quarter Two Activity Performance Report provides a full list of measures, targets and results for the quarter.


Quarter one 2022-2023 performance results

These are the results against the service measures and targets set out in the 2022-2023 Annual Plan.

For more detail on ORC's activities and planned delivery for the year view the full Annual Plan 2022-2023.

Quarter one results for the 69 targets related to the 10 activities delivered in 2022-2023.


Quarter one highlights

We are on track to meet 80% of our service delivery targets.

Flood prevention icon

ORC responded effectively during the July/August flood event and flood protection schemes performed to their designed capacity.

map icon

A flood damage and repair map provides communities with visibility of the extent and progress of repairs.  Learn more about the Flood repair programme.

land and water icon

Land and Water planning programme has been progressing well and stage two consultation is underway.
boat icon

New Harbourmaster boat purchased; ORC now has vessels based in Dunstan and Dunedin, which improves our ability to access waterways and engage across Otago.
house or whare icon

Council employed a fixed-term Kaitohutohu, Advisor to the Chief Executive to support high-level partnership and participation with mana whenua and rūnaka.


Quarter one also provided challenges: 

  • A nationwide driver shortage impacted bus reliability. Reduced timetables were introduced in July and are set to continue into quarter three. To address the shortages ORC committed to increase bus driver rates to the median wage from 1 October
  • ORC staffing numbers are lower than planned due to staff turnover and recruitment challenges due to a tight skills market
  • RPS timeframes have been pushed out by the High Court proceedings, and the programme is also under pressure due to vacancies and increased reliance on consultants 

The full Quarter One Activity Performance Report provides a full list of measures, targets and results for the quarter.