Plan Change 5A (Lindis: Integrated water management) introduced:

  • Minimum flows and allocation limits for the Lindis River and connected Lindis Alluvial Ribbon Aquifer; and
  • Maximum allocation limits for other aquifers in the Bendigo-Tarras Basin.

Council notified Proposed Plan Change 5A (Lindis: Integrated water management) on Saturday 8 August 2015 and submissions closed on Friday 4 September 2015. Eighty-one submissions were received by Council.

Council released the Summary of Decisions Requested and called for further submissions on Saturday 26 September 2015. Further submissions closed at 5pm on Friday 9 October 2015. Six further submissions were received by Council.

The hearing of submissions took place in Wanaka from Thursday 31 March to Thursday 7 April 2016.

Council released its decisions on Saturday 13 August 2016.

Appeals closed 30 working days after service of the notice of decision. One appeal on the Council’s decisions has been made to the Environment Court (under clause 14 of the First Schedule of the RMA)

Proposed Plan Change 5A (Lindis: Integrated water management) has had legal effect from 8 August 2015.

Plan Change 5A (Lindis: Integrated water management) has been made operative on 5 March 2022, following the process outlined below:

Operative Plan Change 5A

Read the public notice here.

Maps amended by Plan Change 5A:

Plan Change 5A Map B4 – Lindis catchment Minimum Flow and Monitoring Site (4MB)

Plan Change 5A Map B7 – Lindis catchment Minimum Flow and Monitoring Site (4MB)

Plan Change 5A Map B17 – Lindis catchment Primary Allocation Zones (4MB)

Plan Change 5A Map C5 – Lindis Alluvial Ribbon Aquifer and Lower Tarras Aquifer (4MB)

Plan Change 5A Map C6 – Lindis Alluvial Ribbon Aquifer, Ardgour Valley Aquifer, Bendigo Aquifer and Lower Tarras Aquifer (4MB)

Background Information

Background information relating to the setting of environmental flows and allocation limits for the Clutha River/Mata-Au, its lakes and two main upper catchment tributaries can be found here.

Past consultation: Stage 1 - December 2017 to February 2018

In December 2017 we started the first of three stages of public consultation which help shape the development of the plan change for Clutha River/Mata-au, its lakes and its two main upper catchment tributaries, the Kawarau and Hawea Rivers. We asked people to identify what they value about these water bodies and what was important to them. A summary of the feedback received at the consultation sessions and during the feedback period is provided below, under Background Information.


One appeal on the Council’s decisions was made to the Environment Court (under clause 14 of the First Schedule of the RMA).

Notice of appeal to the Environment Court on Proposed Plan Change 5A (450 KB)

Summary of submissions and full submissions

PC5A Summary of Decisions Requested - Introduction (90 KB)
PC5A Summary of Decisions Requested - List of submitters (including contact details) (94 KB)
PC5A Summary of Decisions Requested – By Submitter (641 KB)
This document summarises the submissions received, grouped by submitter.

PC5A Summary of Decisions Requested – By Provision (507 KB)
This document summarises the submissions received, grouped by provision.

PC5A Summary of Decisions Requested - Beyond the scope of the Plan Change (38 KB)
This document summarises the decisions requested beyond the scope of the plan change

PC5A Summary of Decisions Requested - Full document (1 MB)


Full copies of the submissions

Submissions 1 - 10 (2 MB)
Submissions 11 - 20 (2 MB)
Submissions 21 to 30 (4 MB)
Submissions 31 to 40 (4 MB)
Submissions 41 to 50 (2 MB)
Submissions 51 to 60 (10 MB)
Submissions 61 to 70 (2 MB)
Submissions 71 to 80 (4 MB)
Submissions 81 (Late) (486 KB)

Further submissions

PC5A Summary of Decisions Requested - Full document (811 KB)
This document summarises the submissions and further submissions received, grouped by provision.

Further submissions 101 - 106 (1 MB)
Full copies of the further submissions

Hearing material

Evidence presented by Submitters (including expert evidence) can be found here.

Section 42A Report - Decisions Requested by Submitters (494 KB)

Following the hearing, the Hearing Commissioners for Proposed Plan Change 5A (PC 5A) sought legal advice on whether the following requests raised by submitters are within the scope of the plan change:

  • requests to include the Tarras Creek catchment in the Lindis catchment, governed by proposed PC 5A; and
  • requests to provide for transitional arrangements for the introduction of the allocation and minimum flow regime proposed under PC 5A.

The legal opinions can be found below.

Legal opinion matters of scope PC 5A, A. Logan - Inclusion of Tarras Creek (274 KB)
Legal opinion matters of scope PC 5A, A. Logan - Transitional Arrangements (413 KB)
Legal submission on behalf of the Lindis Catchment Group - matters of scope PC 5A, S. Chadwick - (2.33 MB)


Background information relating to Plan Change 5A

Background information relating to Plan Change 5A (materials referenced in the Section 32 Evaluation Report, technical data, consultation records and the “Guide to preparing a resource consent application to take surface water including a deemed permit”) can be found here.

Copies of these documents are also available directly from the ORC.


Post: Freepost ORC 497, Otago Regional Council, Private Bag 1954, Dunedin 9054

Fax: (03) 479 0015

Walk in Otago Regional Council offices:

  • Philip Laing House, Level 2, 144 Rattray Street, Dunedin 9016
  • Terrace Junction, 1092 Frankton Road, Queenstown

By appointment only Otago Regional Council offices:

  • William Fraser Building, Dunorling Street, Alexandra 9340​
  • 32 Ribble Street, Oamaru