On 10 February 2010, the Otago Regional Council approved Plan Change 1B (Minimum Flows) to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago. The plan change became operative on 1 March 2010.

Plan Change 1B (Minimum Flows) Archive

Otago Regional Council released its decisions on Proposed Plan Change 1B (Minimum Flows) - Waianakarua River, Trotters Creek, Luggate Creek, Schedule 2D to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago on 31 October 2009.

Summary of Proposed Plan Change 1B (Minimum Flows)

Waianakarua River, Trotters Creek, Luggate Creek, Schedule 2D

This Council notified Proposed Plan Change 1B (Minimum Flows) to the Regional Plan: Water on 20 December 2008. The purpose of Proposed Plan Change 1B (Minimum Flows) is to:

  • set minimum flows, primary allocation limits, monitoring sites and catchment maps for Waianakarua River, Trotters Creek and Luggate Creek; and
  • introduce Schedule 2D describing matters to be considered in setting minimum flows and primary allocation limits.

This council released its decisions on Proposed Plan Change 1B (Minimum Flows) on 31 October 2009.


The Hearing Committee made their recommendations to Otago Regional Council on Proposed Plan Change 1B (Minimum Flows) at the Policy & Resource Planning Committee on 14 October 2009. Otago Regional Council made its decisions on Proposed Plan Change 1B (Minimum Flows) at the Council meeting on 28 October 2009 and released them to the public on 31 October 2009.

Download the Public notice

Download the Decisions

Download the Regional Plan: Water for Otago Incorporating Decisions

View the original submissions (16 MB)


No appeals on Proposed Plan Change 1B (Minimum Flows) have been received.

View further information about making an appeal on the Ministry for the Environment's website www.mfe.govt.nz

Proposed Plan Change 1B (Minimum Flows)

Proposed Plan Change 1B (Minimum Flows) can be viewed by downloading the documents below. Copies are also available for viewing from:

Otago Regional Council offices

  • 70 Stafford Street, Dunedin
  • William Fraser Building, Dunorling Street, Alexandra
  • Hasborough Place, Balclutha

All public libraries throughout Otago

City and District Council offices throughout Otago

To request a hard copy of Proposed Plan Change 1B (Minimum Flows), please contact the Policy Team.

Download Proposed Plan Change 1B (Minimum Flows)

Download accompanying table of proposed changes

Download Section 32 Report


Next steps in the process

Otago Regional Council approves Proposed Plan Change 1B (Minimum Flows) if submissions and appeals have been disposed of, and sets the date it will become operative.

Plan Change 1B Submissions