We have formed a Manuherekia Reference Group (MRG) to get input into the Manuherekia Rohe plan, which will become a chapter of our new Land and Water Regional Plan.

The MRG has representatives from Department of Conservation, Forest and Bird, Central Otago District Council, Fish and Game, the Central Otago Environmental Society and irrigators. Read the Terms of Reference for the MRG here.

The MRG is chaired by an independent chairperson, who facilitates discussion about community and stakeholder interests and aspirations for the Manuherekia Rohe. These discussions will help ORC with the development of options for how the river could be managed in the future.

Each member of the group brings a different perspective of the Manuherekia catchment to meetings, including environmental, social, economic and cultural perspectives. The group acknowledges that water management in the rohe is complex. 

The MRG is developing an inter-generational vision for managing water in the Manuherekia Rohe, and will be working with ORC to seek feedback from the wider community on different options. 


Who are the members of the MRG?