ORC has removed all submissions on the pORPS 2021 from its website due to potential privacy issues. Only submissions made by appellants of the decisions version and interested parties (under s274 and s301) remain on the website. They are included in alphabetical order based on the name of the submitter. 

Please note that some parts of these submissions no longer have any effect because they concern Parts of the RPS 21 that comprise a Freshwater Planning Instrument.

For a list of the provisions of the RPS 21 affected please refer to the table here.


Further submissions

Submissions from the public were accepted from16 June 2021 until 3.00pm on 3 September 2021. The definition of ‘late’ applied is submissions received at any point after the specified closing date and time.  

Some submitters acknowledged the lateness of their submissions and, in their covering emails, have apologised, provided reasons or made application for a waivers of the time period in which a submission must be received by Council.  

Please note that some parts of these further submissions no longer have any effect because the concern Parts of the RPS 21 that comprise a Freshwater Planning Instrument.

For a list of the provisions of the RPS 21 affected please refer to the table here.


Name Submitter ID
AgResearch Limited FS00208
Aurora Energy Limited FS00315
Beef + Lamb New Zealand Ltd FS00237
Big Stone Forest Limited FS00603
Boxer Hills Trust FS00025
Central Otago Environmental Society FS00202
Chorus NZ, Spark NZ and Vodafone NZ FS00310
Contact Energy Limited FS00318
DairyNZ Limited FS00601
Darby Asset Management LP and others FS00607
Director-General of Conservation FS00137
Dunedin City Council FS00139
Dunedin International Airport Ltd FS00316
Environmental Defence Society FS00611
Ernslaw One Ltd FS00412
Extinction Rebellion Queenstown Lakes FS00610
Federated Farmers of NZ FS00239
Fish and Game Councils  FS00609
Fonterra FS00233
Fulton Hogan FS00322
Graymont FS00022
Greeenpeace Aotearoa FS00407
Horticulture NZ FS00236
Kāi Tahu ki Otago FS00226
Maryhill Ltd FS00118
Matakanui Gold Ltd FS00021
Mercury NZ Ltd FS00605
Meridian Energy Ltd FS00306
Minister for the Environment FS00136
Ministry of Education FS00421
Mt Cardrona Station FS00114
Network Waitaki Limited FS00320
New Zealand Carbon Farming FS00602
New Zealand Defence Force FS00304
Ngāi Tahu Forestry FS00600
NZ Pork FS00240
Oceana Gold FS00115
Otago Fish and Game Council FS00231
Otago Rock Lobster Industry Association Inc and Pauamac 5 Incorporated FS00125
Otago Water Resource Users Group FS00235
Port Otago Ltd FS00301
Queenstown Airport Corporation Ltd FS00313
Queenstown Lakes District Council FS00138
Rayonier Matariki Forests FS00020
Royal Forest and Bird Society NZ FS00230
Sanford Limited FS00122
Silver Fern Farms FS00221
Sole, Matthew FS00508
Stop Central Otago Airport FS00606
Sustainable Tarras Incorporated Society FS00604
Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu FS00234
The Fuel Companies FS00510
Transpower New Zealand Limited FS00314
Universal Developments Hawea Limited and Lane Hocking FS00608
Waihopai Rūnaka, Te Rūnanga Ōraka Aparima, Te Rūnanga o Awarua FS00223
Waitaki District Council FS00140
Waitaki Irrigators Collective Limited FS00213
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency FS00305
Waterfall Park Developments Limited FS00023