On this page you will find all the information related to the hearing of submissions on the non-freshwater parts of the proposed ORPS.

The non-freshwater parts proposed ORPS 2021 hearing

The non-freshwater parts of the proposed ORPS 2021 Hearing are available online. These were held between 31 January and 30 May 2023. You can view the livestream of the hearings on the ORC YouTube channel

Hearings Panel

The Council appointed a panel to hear submissions on the proposed Otago Regional Policy Statement.

The members of the panel were:

  • Ron Crosby - Chair
  • Bianca Sullivan
  • Allan Cubitt 
  • Rauru Kirikiri

Notice of Hearing

Minutes, decisions, parties

Section 42A Report and Supplementary Evidence

Parties: Primary Evidence

Since original submissions were lodged, there have been a number of name changes. The following might assist with locating evidence and submitters.

  • Evidence for OWRUG, Federated Farmers and Dairy NZ is found under OWRUG
  • Trustpower has been renamed Manawa Energy and the evidence is found under Manawa Energy
  • Wayfare Group is now Realnz Group. The evidence is found under Wayfare Group Ltd 
  • Evidence for Otago F&G, Wayfare Group and Trojan Holdings is found under Otago F&G
  • Trojan Holdings is now NZSki. The evidence is found under Trojan Holdings.


Parties: Rebuttal Evidence

Parties: Material Presented at Hearing