Proposed RPS 21 Hearing Archive

On this page you will find all the information related to the now abandoned hearing of submissions on the proposed ORPS by the Freshwater Hearing Panel.

This page will no longer be updated.

News and updates

Hearings panel

The Chief Freshwater Commissioner appointed a panel to hear submissions on the proposed Otago Regional Policy Statement.

The members of the panel were:

  • Judge Laurie Newhook - Chair and Freshwater Commissioner
  • Ron Crosby - Freshwater Commissioner
  • Bianca Sullivan – ORC nominated panel member
  • Allan Cubitt - ORC nominated panel member 
  • Rauru Kirikiri - tangata whenua nominated panel member


Clarification of Minute 2, 24 March 2022
The Panel would like to provide two matters of clarification with respect to Minute 2. The first is at paragraph 29, where it should state that feedback is to be received by 12 noon on 13 April.
The second is in relation to the Otago Regional Councils’ memorandum of 21 March, which seeks an extension to the date the s42A reports will be available. The Panel agrees that making the s42A reports available on 25 March may not be the most appropriate action and wishes to indicate that, on 14 April, we will issue a Third minute, that will set out the process going forward, and all relevant timetabling instructions.

Parties responses to Minute 2

Parties Correspondence with Panel


Invitations pORPS submitters to join pre-hearing discussions

Registrations closed at 5pm on Friday 27 May 2022.

In its minute of 14 April 2022, the Hearings Panel directed a delayed timetable for the preparation and filing of evidence, and commencement of hearings.

The Panel also directed that parties make use of the extra time created by the delay to engage in meaningful negotiations to settle or at least narrow matters in dispute. To that end the Council has set up a series of topic based facilitated meetings, noting that only submitters may participate and only on topics they have submitted on. These meetings provide an initial opportunity to clarify positions, narrow differences and, in some instances, resolve points raised by submissions.

Required documents

The documents here are all those required to be submitted by the Otago Regional Council to the Chief Freshwater Commissioner by s80A(4)(c) of the Resource Management Act 1991 and Clause 37(1) of the First Schedule to the Resource Management Act 1991.

Proposed Otago Regional Policy Statement 2021 


Section 32 Evaluation Report


Submissions on Proposed RPS 21


Summary of Decisions Requested


Further Submissions


Schedule of Submissions or Further Submissions received after the closing date


Planning documents recognised by iwi


Obligations concerning iwi participation