Council decisions on the freshwater planning instrument and non-freshwater parts of the proposed Otago Regional Policy Statement 2021 were publicly notified on 30 March 2024.

Appeals to both the freshwater and non-freshwater provisions have been received. 

An initial analysis of the appeals received has been carried out. There may be changes following further in-depth analysis. 

The PORPS 2021 Decisions version with appeals annotated can be found here: 

Clean Decisions Version annotated
Tracked Decisions Version annotated

A document identifying appealed and not appealed provisions has been created, including Interested parties under section 301 (for High Court appeals) and section 274 (for Environment Court appeals) for each appealed provision. The tables are based on an initial analysis of appeals received, and there may be changes following further in-depth analysis. 

PORPS 2021 - High Court and Environment Court Appeals including Interested Parties