Bylaw review

The Local Government Act 2002 requires all bylaws to be reviewed every ten years. This ensures the rules are still fit for purpose, informed by the latest science and data and informed by experience from previous floods. This Bylaw was last reviewed in 2012 and we need to adopt a new Bylaw by August 2022.

Until any proposed changes are agreed and adopted the 2012 Bylaw and the information on this page remains relevant.

Otago Regional Council provides flood protection and land drainage across around 43,000ha of rural and urban land in Otago.

The Flood Protection Management Bylaw is the regulation that safeguards flood protection and land drainage assets owned or managed by ORC.

We are proposing some amendments and additions to the Bylaw and the areas covered by the Bylaw and carrying out consultation.

Submissions closed on 12pm on 2 May 2022.


Summary of submissions

View the Flood Protection Management Bylaw submissions

View Staff response to panel requests #2 - 2 June 2022

View Response to Panel enquiries for deliberations on 19 May 2022

Find out more on Your Say


Hearing Panel recommendations

This report presents the recommendations of the Hearing Panel to Otago Regional Council (ORC) in relation to the Proposed Flood Protection Management Bylaw 2022 (accepted by Councillors 29 June 2022).

View the Hearing Panel recommendations report



First Schedule - Maps of Scheduled Drains and Overland Flow Paths

Second Schedule - Maps of Defences Against Water and Excavation-Sensitive Areas

Third Schedule - Maps of Floodways

Fourth Schedule - Maps of Lower Waitaki, Groynes, Cross-banks, Anchored Tree Protection and Plantings