Long-Term Plan 2021-2031

In May 2021 the elected Regional Councillors considered public submissions on the LTP 2021-31 and made recommendations on the consultation topics. The LTP came into effect on 1 July 2021 and included the final decisions listed below:

  1. ​Pest management – maintained the preferred option for improving pest management. Many submitters asked us to do even more, but we were mindful of the further impact on rates.

  2. Lake Hayes – our three options included: option 1 (preferred), a new targeted rate for Lake Hayes; option 2, fund via existing river and water management targeted rate; option 3, a new uniform targeted rate.

    Council changed from its preferred option 1 to option 2, with the latter being applied for years 1 and 2 of the LTP. This decision reflected feedback that supported a regional perspective to funding waterway remediation. Option 2 is a step towards a regional / less targeted approach. More work is required to determine what funding approach occurs after year 2, however it is clear from your feedback that an agreed regional work programme is needed for an equitable solution.

  3. Balanced budget – maintained the preferred option for achieving a balanced budget through rating now, rather debt and paying more later. In addition to the points above, there were requests to further increase services and associated rate funding beyond what was consulted. The final increase was kept very close to what was consulted. Total average rates increase (across all rate types):
      48.5% year 1 (compared to consulted 47.5%)
      18% year 2 (17%)
      12% year 3 (10.6%)

  4. From submissions – as we considered your feedback, it was clear we could still do more to better support your priorities for our region. We decided to:
      Accelerate our integrated catchment management
      Develop a lakes strategy
      Establish a harbour plan
      Subsidise consent fees for some community environmental restoration projects


Summary of year 1 - services and funding

The following file summarises the services you receive across the region and the rates ORC collects to pay for these services. 

Detailed documents and information

To find out how to submit on an Annual Plan or Long-term Plan, click here.

Long-term Plan 2021-2031 Submissions


Previous Long-term Plan