The Long-Term Plan describes our work (or activity) and the broader results (or community outcomes) that are expected from doing this work. It has a strong financial focus showing the resources needed to deliver the work and the approach to ensure that resources are available. The LTP provides detailed activities for the first three years and less detail to year 10. Council reviews the detail of the LTP each financial year and adjusts it where needed. This is done via the Annual Plan process and is publicly consulted if the adjustments are significant.
It is done in consultation with the community with 100’s of people and organisations providing written submissions about the proposed work and how it is funded (e.g., we fund these activities through different funding sources, including rates).
The LTP process enables Council to look at all our activities and take a strategic perspective on how our services align with perceived priorities. The important decisions in the LTP process includes:
It’s important to note that the scope of the LTP process does not typically include the review of our other strategic documents or plans (e.g. Regional Policy Statement; Regional Plan Land and Water, Regional Pest Management Plan, Biodiversity Strategy, Transport Plans, etc). These other documents sit in the background informing Council and others about our direction, priorities and sometimes desired actions.
At an organisation-level the process also provides an opportunity to better integrate business (or activity) planning and co-ordinate resources.
The results of this decision-making are reflected in the LTP and it ultimately provides a basis for our accountability to you, our community.
The Otago Regional Council "Long-Term Plan" (LTP) is prepared in consultation with our community. The LTP sets out what we plan to deliver across a three-year planning cycle. The LTP also looks out, in less detail, 10 years. Read more
On this page are any plans and projects currently open for public feedback. This page also includes consultation on plans and policy statements that are required by the Resource Management Act 2019 (RMA). Find out what consultations are open now, how to have your say, and what happens after that.
Provides a process for the Council and community to review the detailed budgets contained in the Long-Term Plan.