In 2018 we developed a biodiversity strategy to:

  • Set out the outcomes we collectively want to achieve for Otago
  • Inform ORC work programmes
  • Establish a framework for working together

What is biodiversity?

Biodiversity (short for biological diversity) describes the variety of all living things. It includes the range of species, their genetics, and the ecosystems where they live. 

Biodiversity is essential for the functioning of ecosystems. It helps to sustain all life forms, including human.

Why does ORC have a biodiversity strategy?

There are over 70 organisations already working in biodiversity management throughout Otago. We don’t want to reinvent the wheel, which is why we have developed a strategy that:

  • Covers the whole region
  • Coordinates our efforts so we can work collaboratively with other organisations and groups
  • Outlines the outcomes we collectively want to achieve for Otago
  • Sets out the biodiversity roles and activities that ORC will be involved in

Biodiversity Action Plan

On 26 June 2019, Council approved the Biodiversity Action Plan. 

The Plan builds on and refines actions from the Biodiversity Strategy and sets out an intended work programme for ORC. It was informed by feedback received that increased active management and improved coordination and regional leadership was required from ORC to improve biodiversity outcomes. 

Review of the Biodiversity Strategy

In 2024 we will be reviewing the Biodiversity Strategy 2018 for the purpose of: 

  • Redefining the biodiversity outcomes we collectively want to achieve for Otago; 
  • Strengthening our relationship with mana whenua; 
  • Identifying the issues that we’re facing today and in the future; 
  • Developing an approach for how to respond to these issues; and 
  • Bringing our Biodiversity Strategy in alignment with the National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity 2023. 

We are currently developing our work programme and will be engaging with our communities later this year to hear about your aspirations and challenges when it comes to maintaining and enhancing our native biodiversity.