Give your feedback

We value your voice – tell us what you think and help shape the work we do to safeguard Otago’s future and provide public transport. Your feedback helps ORC to plan and ensure our work reflects the needs and aspirations of your community.

Privacy disclaimer

When you make a submission to Council we collect personal information within it.

Providing some information is optional. However, if you choose not to provide contact information, then we will not be able to contact you regarding your submission.

The information you provide will be held by Council in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020.

Submissions and or information in submissions including your name and submission will be made public by Council as part of the as part of Otago Regional Council’s decision-making process, it may also be disclosed to people and organisations who request official information under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

Please consider the implications of this when you make a submission, and please do not to provide any personal or identifying information, about you or another individual, in the body of your submission.

For further information please refer to Council’s website for our Privacy Ts&Cs and our Customer Privacy Policy

To provide feedback, you can complete the form below or send through a manual submission to