If you enrolled prior to 1 August 2025, your voting papers will be sent from 9 September. 

Votes must be returned by 12 noon Saturday, 11 October 2025.

Council’s secure ballot boxes are located in public locations, such as libraries, across Otago.

Who can vote?

You can vote in the local elections if you are on the electoral roll and live in the Otago region.

If you live outside the Otago region but own property here, you can also vote.

Make sure you are properly enrolled for Otago — this is really important if you have only recently moved here (students, this means you too!) 

Why should you vote?

By voting in your local body elections, you have your say on who will make decisions on Otago's future for the next three years. 

Otago Regional Council is responsible for promoting the economic, social, cultural and environmental wellbeing of the region.

Our work covers all of Otago and our focus is on the environment and natural resources:

  • setting policies and rules to protect Otago’s water, land and air resources
  • monitoring the environment – collecting data and knowledge to inform decision making
  • responding to environmental incidents
  • taking a lead role in pest management
  • taking an active role in minimising risks from natural hazards
  • keeping you safe along our coast and on our lakes and rivers through our Harbourmaster function
  • civil Defence Emergency Management
  • providing public transport in Dunedin and Queenstown (Orbus)
  • providing support to community groups for environmental enhancement
  • taking a lead role in responding to issues that affect Otago, such as climate change, biodiversity loss and urban development.

Voting locations (including for Special Votes)

Post Box locations

Ballots may also be posted from any NZ Post Post Box located across the region.

For help finding your nearest Post Box, use the NZ Post locator.