If you are passionate about Otago, and want to vote on the future of the region, then you need to be enrolled before 1 August 2025.
The next local government elections are in October 2025.
Enrolling to vote means you can have a say on the people who will make decisions on what happens in the Otago region over the next three years.
The Parliamentary Electoral Roll lists all the people in New Zealand who can vote in the parliamentary elections. If you are on this roll, you are automatically enrolled on your local council’s Residential Electoral Roll for where you live, or own property. This means that you can vote in your local regional council and city or district council elections.
You will need to make a special vote. You can enrol up to 4pm 10 October at your local city or district council office.
To make a special vote, please visit your local city or district council office in person — Central Otago District Council, Clutha District Council, Queenstown Lakes District Council or Dunedin City Council.
If you’re concerned about your personal safety, or that of your family, you can apply to go on the confidential unpublished roll. The electoral commission will keep your enrolment details secure and won’t give them to anyone.
Going on the unpublished roll means your details won’t be included on printed electoral rolls. It also means you won’t be able to check or update your enrolment details online. You'll need to make a special vote at parliamentary and local elections.
It won’t affect which electorate you’re in, or whether you’re on the general roll or the Māori roll.
Not sure if you're enrolled to vote in Otago? Check your details with the NZ Electoral commission.
The electionz.com portal allows ratepayers to check if they may be eligible to receive a ratepayer vote. Eligibility depends on where you live and where you own property.
If you need to go on the unpublished electoral roll, get in touch with the electoral commission.