Public notice

Proposed changes to ORC's schedule of fees and charges

Monday 17 March 2025

Some changes are proposed to Otago Regional Council’s schedule of fees and charges from 1 July 2025.

Some changes are proposed to Otago Regional Council’s schedule of fees and charges from 1 July 2025.

ORC’s fees and charges are based on a user pays system. Adjustments are proposed for some fees and  charges, to reflect the cost of ORC’s consent work and to give certainty of costs for applicants.

There are also new fees proposed for dairy farms — single farm dairy effluent storage and discharge fees are proposed. These replace the targeted dairy rate previously included in rates.

A set fee is also proposed for contaminated land disturbance, which will give applicants certainty of cost.

A schedule of fees which shows current charges and what is proposed is available on the ORC website.

Feedback on the proposed fee change is open from 17 March to 15 April 2025 and can be given at or by post to Otago Regional Council, Private Bag 1954, Dunedin 9054.