Media release

Public encouraged to attend full ORC meeting in Cromwell

Monday 22 July 2024

The public are encouraged to attend Otago Regional Council’s next full Council, being held in Cromwell this week on Wednesday - 24 July.

The meeting includes a presentation by Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Simon Upton.

ORC Chair Gretchen Robertson says there will be a diverse range of subjects being considered during the meeting which will give people a sample of the wide-ranging work which ORC undertakes for communities.


Early in the meeting there will be a presentation by Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Simon Upton, based on the Going with the Grain Report, which looks at how to manage land use changes, and his recommendations.

Cr Robertson says ORC welcomes the opportunity to hear firsthand from the Parliamentary Commissioner, who draws on six years of research to present practical suggestions around land use change.

“These are big topics facing all regions across the nation. The state of our environment, changes currently underway and projected change needs considered as communities work together to strategically tackle the challenges and look for opportunities to ensure we can all thrive now and for the future.”

The report looks at the environmental challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss and water quality while looking after the economic, social and cultural life of our nation’s regions.

The report focuses on environmental issues in rural New Zealand and makes suggestions on how to approach changes needed to prevent further degradation.

In other business, there will be an update to Council on the progress on the Integrated Catchment Management Programme in the Upper Lakes area, including nominating a Councillor to join the group.


Approval will be sought from Council to submit the mid-term review of the Otago Southland Regional Land Transport Plan 2021-2031 to the New Zealand Transport Agency.


There will also be a report updating work on the South Dunedin Future programme, including a summary of the activities completed between January to June this year.


The agenda is now available on-line at, under Your Council/Council meetings and Agendas.


Councillors will on Thursday making several site-visits to organisations and projects around the district.


The Cromwell meeting is at The Gate, 6 Barry Avenue, starting at 1pm, running until about 5pm.