Friday 16 February 2024
The public are being encouraged to attend two Otago Regional Council meetings next week.
On Wednesday, 21 February, ORC has a full Council meeting and also a Regional Leadership Committee meeting in Oamaru, followed by Councillor field visits the next day.
ORC Chair Gretchen Robertson says there is a diverse range of subjects being considered at the meetings which will give people a good idea of the wide-ranging environmental work which ORC undertakes for communities.
It will also be a great opportunity for ORC councillors to get an understanding of the issues and opportunities facing the North Otago Region and see the work being done by those who give a huge amount to the community and environment and who can share a unique North Otago (and environs) perspective.
The Regional Leadership Committee meeting is at the Waitaki District Council chambers from 10.30am to noon, followed by the full Council meeting which runs from 1pm-5pm.
Full details of the meetings’ agenda’s will be publicly available on Monday, 19 February, but Cr Robertson says some of the topics will include the Land and Water Regional Plan, and ongoing discussions about ORC’s Long-term Plan development and funding and financing policy review.
The main Council meeting will start with a public forum. Cr Robertson says those scheduled to make presentations include a group from Waitaki District Enviroschools programme.
She says on Thursday, Councillors have been invited to field visits, including being hosted by the North Otago Irrigation Company, and briefings from ORC staff on work being done around the Kakanui River.
The Regional Leadership Committee meeting will review the Regulatory Quarterly Report (July–December 2023), updates on Freshwater Farm Plan implementation in Otago, and results from the 2023 Community Survey. Supporting documents include the ORC Final Project Implementation Plan, Community Survey Action Plan updates, and the draft 2023 survey report.
The Council meeting includes an Enviroschools presentation, confirmation of December 2023 minutes, and reports from the Chairperson and Chief Executive. Agenda items cover the Long-Term Plan 2024–34, updates to the Otago Regional Policy Statement 2019, and a proposed land sale under the Kuriwao Lease S224. Recommendations from recent committee meetings will also be reviewed, and Pierre Marasti will speak for Extinction Rebellion during the Public Forum.