Media release

Nine projects funded $33k by ORC

Thursday 29 August 2024

Nine environmental-linked projects across Otago received in total more than $33,000 from annual funding support from the Otago Regional Council in the past financial year toward their consenting and monitoring costs.

As with last year there were nine projects from across Otago and none were declined funding from the $50,000 pool, with a total $33,371 in fees waived, says ORC’s Manager Consents Alexandra King.

ORC’s Consents Fund is to help with the consent and monitoring fees around projects which have an environmental benefit. The fund applies to consent processing fees, alongside the compliance and administration costs associated with the granted consent.

“We’ve been promoting the consent fund when working with people on projects in general and are really pleased that all nine applicants were successful,” Ms King says.

A report yesterday (28th) to the ORC’s Regional Leadership Committee outlined the activities for the funding support, for the financial year to 31 June 2024, which was noted by the Committee.

Applications for the 2024-25 financial year Consent Fee Support Fund are now open, for the entire financial year.

Under the annual Consents Fee Support Fund, ORC can waive the cost for consent fees up to $10,000 per application, and if they are then compliant with consent conditions, their compliance fees can also waived.

“There are amazing people doing great work across Otago and it’s important that we’re able to assist these largely community-lead projects, which are ultimately beneficial to the well-being of the environment, its eco-systems and for the people of Otago,” says Ms King.

She highlighted that it is often individuals, community and catchment groups involved in environmental enhancement projects, such as wetland restoration, water ways fencing, riparian planting or creating walkways which may require resource consents.

Recipients of the 2023-24 Consents Fee Support Fund





Manuherekia Catchment Group Incorporated

Variation to the Thomson’s Creek Catchment Project phase 3 – construct fish barriers and galaxiid protection. The Thomson’s Catchment Project includes establishing a functioning wetland to improve freshwater quality.




Damming consent to enhance bird life, recreational use and wider community use including school groups, play centres, rest homes, and the general public



Otago Youth Adventure Trust Incorporated

Disposal of treated wastewater to land for an outdoor adventure camp


$6,407 but still in progress

Coastal Communities Cycle Connection

Pre application discussion about consent requirements for extension to cycle way within a riverbed

Waikouaiti to Port Chalmers


Glenorchy Trails Trust

Construction of a single span cycle and pedestrian bridge over Buckler Burn



Dunedin City Council

Bylaw for planting a variety of plants on the Silver Stream true left bank between Wingatui Road and Gordon Road



Hawksburn Station

Remove willow from banks for the purpose of stream restoration


$6,075 but still in progress

Te Runaka Otakou Limited

Bylaw to enhance the ecological value within two wetland regions at Otokia. The work will be done by the Rūnaka’s Te Nukuroa o Matamata project, as a Jobs For Nature project.



Catchment Group Inc

Pre application for willow Removal from the Poolburn Gorge to enable replanting with native species






Inaugurated in 2021, for the previous 2022-23 financial year to 31 June, all nine applications (by seven groups) to the ORC Consents Fee Support Fund, were successful, compared with three groups who applied in 2021-22, who were granted $13,342 in total.

Applying for the Consents Fee Support Fund

There is a total $50,000 available each year, with a maximum of $10,000 per project to cover consent processing fees for projects meeting certain criteria.


Ms King says part of the policy is that anyone seeking processing fees support must have a pre-application meeting with a member of ORC’s consents team to discuss the application.


To be eligible for funding, applicants must be able to demonstrate their project will provide an environmental benefit or service and is not intended for private commercial gain, among other criteria.

To learn more about the consent processing support, visit


ORC’s consents team can be contacted at or 0800 474 082.

To request a pre-application meeting, complete a Request for Pre-application Advise form and email to

To qualify, the application for a consent must be lodged by a not-for-profit individual or organisation such as:

  • Catchment groups
  • Community groups
  • Iwi/hapu
  • Incorporated societies
  • Community trusts
  • Resident and ratepayer groups
  • Educational institutes
  • Landowners or individuals