Public notice

Public notice: Regional Plan: Air for Otago Amendment of Plan

Saturday 30 September 2023

The Otago Regional Council has amended the Regional Plan: Air for Otago from 30 September 2023.

The Otago Regional Council has amended under Section 55 of the Resource Management Act 1991 the Regional Plan: Air for Otago from 30 September 2023.

The amendment is to ensure consistency of the plan with the National Policy Statement for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Industrial Process Heat July 2023 (NPS-GGE) through the inclusion of the following provisions:

  • Section 3.2 of the NPS-GGE as new Policy 15A.1.1 on cumulative effects, and
  • Section 3.3 of the NPS-GGE as new Policy 15A.1.2 on updating emissions plans.

The Regional Plan: Air for Otago is available on the Otago Regional Council’s website and can be viewed at public libraries throughout Otago.

Anita Dawe
General Manager, Policy and Science
Signed on behalf of the Otago Regional Council
30 September 2023