Media release

Future Development Strategy update

Friday 1 December 2023

The public will soon get to have their say on Dunedin’s first Future Development Strategy.

The Dunedin City Council and Otago Regional Council are jointly developing a Future Development Strategy for the city in partnership with mana whenua and supported by Waka Kotahi and Kāinga Ora. The strategy will:

  •  show the broad locations for Dunedin’s housing and business land capacity (in existing and any new urban areas) over the next 30 years
  •  outline the strategic infrastructure required to support and service that development capacity, including Transport, 3 Waters and Parks and Recreation facilities
  •  outline any constraints on development.

It also includes a statement of hapū and iwi values and aspirations for urban development.

The draft Future Development Strategy is being presented to the Dunedin City Council meeting on 5 December 2023 and the Otago Regional Council meeting on 6 December. Approval will be sought from the respective Councils to adopt the draft strategy for public consultation.

It is intended public consultation will take place from 31 January to 28 February 2024. Copies of the draft Future Development Strategy will be available to the public once it is publicly notified on 31 January. Public information sessions to explain the draft strategy and answer questions are also being planned for early February.

As part of the consultation, the councils will be encouraging people to provide feedback on the options identified for long term growth, the infrastructure needed to support growth, create well-functioning urban environments, and achieve key outcomes such as reducing emissions, building resilience to natural hazards and protecting and enhancing biodiversity values.

Hearings for those wishing to speak to their submission will be held in early April and a final Dunedin Future Development Strategy is expected to be released in late June 2024.