Media release

ORC releases summary report on Manuherekia Management Scenarios consultation

Thursday 22 July 2021

The Otago Regional Council (ORC) today released a summary report following consultation on five flow scenarios for the Manuherekia River. The consultation will inform the provisions that are part of the development of ORC’s new Land and Water Regional Plan. The scenarios for consultation were developed with input from the Manuherekia Reference Group.

1,089 submissions were made in total. The following figure shows the number of submissions against each of the five minimum flow scenarios consulted on, as well as flows of 900 and 1,100 l/s:

The consultation summary also reports on scenario preference by location and analyses additional comments made in the submissions. Comments were grouped into categories of “Values”, “Issues”, suggested “Actions”, and the consultation “Process”, and will inform staff’s recommendations to Council.

Councillor Kevin Malcolm, who represents ORC on the Manuherekia Reference Group, thanked the community for their input.

“We are grateful to everyone who took the time to attend the meetings, consider the consultation material and make a submission. The high number of submissions reflects the significant public interest in how the Manuherekia River is managed, and the submissions reflect the wide variety of community perspectives on this topic.”

After a public workshop on 12 August, Councillors will consider a full report from staff on 25 August, which will include a summary of the submissions, a preferred flow from iwi, a report from the Manuherekia Reference Group, and a staff recommendation.

Council’s decision on a management scenario for the Manuherekia River will be made when it notifies the Land and Water Regional Plan at the end of 2023, at which point the public will be able to have their say through submissions and hearings.

Consultation on the Manuherekia Management Scenarios ran between 17 May and 18 June, and included community drop-in sessions at Alexandra and Omakau on 27 and 28 May.

To view the summary report and the full set of submissions, visit

Learn more about the Manuherekia Reference Group here:

View the technical information behind the management scenarios and information on the closed consultation here: