Media release

ORC reminds private bore owners to get their water tested regularly

Monday 28 September 2020

The Otago Regional Council’s (ORC) state of the environment monitoring bores have detected elevated levels of E. coli in two locations on the lower Waitaki Plains.

The bore owners were immediately notified alongside the Southern District Health Board and Waitaki District Council.

The results are a pertinent reminder for anyone using a private bore for drinking water to have it regularly tested and to ensure the bore head is well secured.

Water users should treat water (with chlorination, ozonation, boiling, or adequate filtration) or access an alternative water source if they are uncertain about its safety.

E. coli is a subset of faecal bacteria. Any water that contains E. coli above drinking water standards is considered unsuitable to drink without treatment.

Anyone concerned about health risks should contact their GP, or call Healthline on 0800 611 116 for free advice from trained registered nurses.

For more information on ‘How to protect your well water’, including testing information see this brochure: