Public notice

Clyde Rabbit Control

Thursday 30 July 2020

From Monday 3 August 2020 (weather dependent) carrot bait and toxin will be laid over a period of four weeks to control rabbits in Clyde for a control operation facilitated by Otago Regional Council for the following landowners:

  • Central Otago District Council
  • Department of Conservation
  • Dunstan Golf Club
  • Southern District Health Board
  • Private landowners

The operation will conclude approximately eight weeks from the start date. The operation will take place across multiple properties bordering the Clutha River in Clyde. You can view a map of this area at
Carrots will be used as bait and will be laced with the pesticide Pindone. The carrots will be dyed green so members of the public can easily see and avoid them. The bait will be hand laid by a contractor. No bait will be laid within 20m of a building or dwelling. Tracks and reserves near the operation area will be clearly signposted.



This pesticide is poisonous to humans and domestic animals. Always remember:

  • DO NOT handle the bait
  • WATCH CHILDREN at all times
  • DO NOT EAT animals from the area or within 2km of it
  • DO NOT allow DOGS access to animal carcasses

Feral rabbits are a well-known pest in Otago and all landowners must control rabbits to at or below level three on the Modified McLean Scale (MMS 3) in accordance with ORC’s Regional Pest Management Plan. For more information on the rules and rabbit control go to