Media release

Otago Regional Councillors elect Cr Marian Hobbs to Chair

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Incoming members of the Otago Regional Council (ORC) today elected Cr Marian Hobbs of the Dunedin ward to serve as Chairperson for the new triennium.

Cr Hobbs was nominated by Cr Alexa Forbes and Cr Kate Wilson.

Councillors also elected Cr Michael Laws, from the Dunstan ward to the position of Deputy Chair.

Cr Hobbs said the Council had chosen representatives to cover the diversity of Otago interests.

“Otago’s a large region, and the Council has quite consciously chosen one representative from Dunedin and another from Dunstan to fill these roles, so that we have both the urban and the rural perspectives closely involved.”

Cr Laws said the appointments fulfilled a public desire for change.

“The public voted for change, and ORC has delivered that change around the governance table today.”

ORC Chief Executive Sarah Gardner said she was keen to continue the Council’s important work with the incoming Councillors.

“I’m looking forward to supporting Cr Hobbs and all of our governors as we work together this triennium on important issues throughout Otago.”

Councillors will determine the structure of committee meetings and appoint Chairs and Deputy Chairs to committees at another meeting next Wednesday.