Media release

ORC’s ECO Fund is open for applications from now until 20 May

Wednesday 1 May 2019

The ECO Fund (Environment Community Otago) supports community-driven projects that protect and enhance Otago’s environment.

Funding is available through this initiative for anyone in the Otago region who is working on projects that protect and enhance our environment, from individuals and community groups, to educational institutes and incorporated societies.

The ECO Fund is distributed to projects which benefit community participation in an environmental project and align with ORC’s vision of working together for a sustainable Otago. The fund can be used to support not only ‘shovel time’—work on the ground—but also administrative costs, like coordination and planning.

The ECO Fund, which replaced the Environmental Enhancement Fund in July 2018, is now on its third and final round of funding for this financial year. As in the previous funding rounds, $83,333 of funding is available from the annual pool of $250,000.

The ECO Fund has already helped to support some great environmental work being undertaken by the Otago community. Previous recipients of the ECO Fund include:

  • Project Kereru, which traps predators and rehabilitates injured Kereru
  • ECOTAGO which is investigating Tomahawk Lagoon water quality and educating people with its citizen science team, and
  • The Clutha Water Project, which is organising community leaders and empowering farmers to take ownership of their environmental problems in the area.


For more information and how to apply, visit Applications close on 20 May.