Wednesday 21 August 2019
If you live or work in the Manuherekia River area, we invite you to take part in discussions about what you value about the river and how you want to see it managed in the future.
ORC has established Freshwater Management Units (FMUs) for Otago, some of which are further divided into rohe (sub-areas). For each FMU or rohe, ORC will work with the community to identify important values and develop objectives and limits for local waterways. This is a requirement of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management so that the solutions for managing water are driven locally, rather than creating a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach.
The Manuherekia River catchment and its aquifers form the Manuherekia Rohe.
A lot of work has already been done with your community on values and objectives as part of the process to manage water in the river. Your community has previously said it values recreational opportunities, such as swimming and fishing; water use for irrigation and drinking; the natural character and flow of the river; good water quality; and spiritual and cultural values. We want to check if these values still hold true for you and whether you have any others to add.
Choose from the options below to tell us what you value and how you want the Manuherekia River and its aquifers to be managed in the future.
We want you to be involved. It’s important that as many people as possible take part in the discussion about water in your area so that decisions about the Manuherekia River and its aquifers reflect the needs of the whole community.