Media release

Otago Swimming Targets Consultation Open

Thursday 27 September 2018

The Otago Regional Council (ORC) wants public feedback on swimming targets for Otago.

Regional targets will contribute to the overall national swimming targets, which are for 80 percent of specified water ways to be swimmable by 2030, and 90 percent by 2040.

The table below shows the current proportion of specified Otago and rivers and lakes that are swimmable, and the draft targets set by the ORC in March:

Year Rivers Lakes
2017 (Current) 79% 98%
2030 (Target) 95% 100%
2040 (Target) 100% 100%


Earlier this year the ORC conducted a swimming survey to identify and rate popular swimming sites in Otago. ORC received ratings on 1,298 swimming sites from over 850 respondents. Popular swimming areas are Southern lakes and rivers of Central Otago, coastal areas around Dunedin, and North (Kakanui, Waikouaiti, Waianakarua, and Shag) and South (Pomahaka and Tokomairaro) Otago rivers.

The consultation is open until 15 October through a short survey on ORC’s YourSay page on their website:

Council will decide on the final swimming targets in November, with results published by the end of the year on the ORC website.

For more information contact:
Rachael Brown
Senior Policy Analyst
Ph 03 470 5419

For Comms contact:
Emma Schranz
Senior Media Advisor
Ph 021 627 5894