Media release

ORC wants your help to prioritise projects for Lake Tuakitoto

Thursday 6 September 2018

Otago Regional Council has been working alongside Lake Tuakitoto’s community to develop a vision and identify projects for the restoration of the lake.

Two community workshops have already been held, and the next step is getting the public to vote on what projects they think are the most important.

ORC Director of Science, Hazards and Engineering, Dr Gavin Palmer, said it has been excellent to see the level of involvement from the public.

“The community have a great vision for the future of the lake, and we’re enjoying working with them to make things happen.”

“Lots of positive ideas have been raised. While we are asking people to vote on ORC led projects, we are sharing all of the ideas to support other projects where we can,” Dr Palmer said.

Projects include developing a community nursery for riparian native plants, undertaking a survey of the lake’s boundaries, walking track maintenance and water quality testing.

People can have their say on the projects on ORC’s YourSay website from now until 30 September. New project ideas are also welcome.

A third workshop will be held later this year to tell the community what the voting results were, and what will happen next.

To find out more information and to have your say, visit

For more information please contact:
Dr Gavin Palmer - Director Hazards, Science and Engineering
Ph 0800 474 082

For Comms please contact:
Emma Schranz - Senior Media Advisor
Ph 0800 474 082 or 027 627 5894