Media release

Rainfall and rivers update #5 (5pm)

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Rivers are falling but remain high. Rivers are still relying on the flood protection schemes in the lower Taieri and lower Clutha; these schemes protect 30,000 hectares of land.

Water levels in the Clutha River are now slowly receding with flow currently around 2,300 cumecs after peaking at 2,700 cumecs. Ongoing low intensity rain may cause it to rise again overnight – however, it is expected to remain contained within the banks and flood scheme, and lower than the earlier peak.

Staff have been continuing to check infrastructure and flood bank performance both from the air and on the ground. ORC infrastructure has performed well during this event. However, staff are closely monitoring the integrity of the lower Clutha floodbanks because of the size and duration of this event.

A second peak is not expected for the Taieri, and the Upper Pond (now around 78% capacity) is not expected to exceed capacity.

ORC staff are continuing to monitor the event closely and will provide further updates if necessary.


Stay up-to-date:

We recommend people check out WaterInfo on our website for the most up to date information on flows
Twitter: @ORCfloodinfo

New Zealand Transport Agency


Communications contact
Eleanor Ross

Communication Channels Manager

027 558 9914