Media release

Minimum Flows Plan Change Update

Thursday 5 July 2018

Following on from the minimum flow community information sessions held in Dunedin and Cromwell in early June, questions raised by the community at these sessions, along with responses from Otago Regional Council (ORC), have been transcribed and published on ORC’s ‘YourSay’ website:

In addition, videos from the Dunedin session, where draft minimum flow limits were presented, are available to view on this website. Videos include:

  • Intro to minimum flows plan changes
  • Arrow catchment
  • Upper Cardrona catchment
  • Manuherikia catchment
  • Residual flows

To view each video, follow the links to each of the above pages from the minimum flows homepage.
During July, ORC staff will be meeting with stakeholders and community groups around the region to further explain the technical science that informs the proposed minimum flow limits for each catchment.