Public notice

Our website is changing!

Tuesday 5 September 2017

We've been working hard to create you a new and improved ORC website and over the next few weeks you'll see changes happening as we get it ready for you.

We know its been a long time coming...the 90s has been and gone and finally we’re nearly ready to retire our old site.  We've been working hard to create you a new and improved ORC website and over the next few weeks you'll see changes happening as we get it ready for you.

Our new website will be:

  • Responsive,  this means it will be easy to use on mobile devices.
  • Easier to navigate.
  • Easier to view alerts, whether it be a Bus alert, Civil Defence alert or River/Rainfall alert.
  • Easier and more intuitive to search

While we’re working towards getting the new site ready, we welcome you to use it and share your feedback. Please bear in mind it's still a work in progress as we’re updating and adding content daily.  If you can't find the information you’re after on our new website, check back in regularly or use our old website until our new one is ready.  Thanks for your patience.


Sections completed

  • Our Council, Our Region and all sub-pages
  • Managing our Environment
    • Water
    • Land and Climate
    • Air
    • Environmental Education
    • Maps and Data
    • Waste and hazardous substances
  • Rates and all sub-pages
  • Consents
    • The consents process
    • Before applying
    • Ready to apply
    • After a consent is granted
    • Water metering and measuring
    • Will my application be notified?
    • Dam building consents
  • News and Events
  • Public Transport

We're still working on...

  • Managing our Environment
    • Biodiversity and Pest Control
    • Coasts and Harbours
    • Farming and Land Management
    • Natural Hazards
  • Consents
    • Current notified applications
  • Plans, Policies and Reports and all sub-pages