Media release

Upper Taieri River reaching low level

Tuesday 28 November 2017

Upper Taieri farmers have instigated voluntary water rostering as the Taieri River at Waipiata approaches the minimum flow level.

Otago Regional Council is maintaining a close watch on Otago rivers as many are at low levels. This is due to the current spell of dry weather, combined with little snow cap to augment river levels from snow melt this year.

Regional Council Director Environmental Monitoring and Operations, Scott MacLean, praised
water users in the upper Taieri who have instigated voluntary rostering to uphold the minimum flow level.

“This is an excellent example of the community working together for the benefit of the river, however, all water takers must actively monitor their takes,” Mr MacLean said.

“Over the last few dry seasons, the community worked together and managed the water resource very well. Communities did an outstanding job of keeping to minimum flows, and sharing and rationing what water is available. I’m sure we’ll see this again if the coming summer proves as challenging,” he said.

“Every water take influences flows and, if carefully managed, such as that happening in the upper Taieri, the environmental gains from the voluntary rostering efforts are maximised. If the community works together to manage water responsibly, the vulnerable river ecology will be protected.”

Up-to-date river level and rainfall information is available on the ORC Water Info site on or from the water info line on 0800 426 463.

For more information contact:

Scott MacLean
Director Environmental Monitoring and Operations
Otago Regional Council
Ph 0800 474 082