Media release

Low E. coli levels in Lakes Hayes

Wednesday 20 December 2017

The latest Otago Regional Council (ORC) water quality samples taken from Lakes Hayes have shown low levels of the bacteria E. coli and the lake is now safe to swim in.

ORC Manager Resource Science Dean Olsen said the samples taken on Monday showed E. coli levels at 11 E. coli/100ml, compared to last week’s sample of 921/100ml.

“This level shows the risk to swimmers was very low on Monday (18 December) and is at levels that we would normally expect for the lake,” Mr Olsen said.

Last week’s high level may have been caused by ducks, he said. “At the time of sampling, the staff member collecting the sample noted many ducks in the area being sampled. It’s highly likely this accounted for the high reading. A water sample collected from Mill Creek at the same time is being tested to determine the likely source(s) of any bacterial contamination.”

Warning signs about the E. coli will be removed today.

For more information contact:

Dean Olsen
ORC Manager Resource Science
Ph 03 470 7408 or 027 602 2737

Find the best places to swim over the summer months at LAWA. Updated several times a day, LAWA shows the most comprehensive water quality information for around 700 recreational sites throughout Aotearoa. See