Media release

Reminder to Check, Clean, Dry this summer

Friday 23 December 2016

With summer finally upon us, the Otago Regional Council is reminding holidaymakers to look after the region’s beautiful southern waterways by checking, cleaning and drying equipment after use.

The Check, Clean, Dry message originated with the Ministry for Primary Industries as part of efforts to restrict the spread of didymo. Restriction of didymo remains important, but Check, Clean, Dry is also key to limiting the spread of other freshwater pests, including lake snow.

Communication of the Check, Clean, Dry message is supported by a network of partners including regional councils, the Department of Conservation, Fish and Game New Zealand, iwi and affected industries.

“Otago is home to some incredible lakes – as well as many swimming holes, rivers and streams that are very popular during the summer holiday period” ORC director environmental monitoring and operations Scott MacLean said.

“We can all do our bit to prevent the spread of freshwater pests like didymo, lagarasiphon and lake snow by making sure they’re not moving from one waterway to another,” Mr MacLean said.

Check, Clean, Dry applies not only to boats, but also to anything else being taken into the water – this could include inflatables, kayaks, fishing gear, vehicles and anything worn in the water, such as wetsuits, jandals, or tramping boots.

Mr MacLean emphasised the critical role of Check, Clean, Dry: “Freshwater pests can be spread by a single drop of water or plant fragment. With limited control tools available for some aquatic pests, and none at all for others, it is very important to prevent it from invading new water bodies.”

Two freshwater biosecurity advocates employed for the summer period by ORC on behalf of the Ministry for Primary Industries will be visiting lakes and rivers popular with boaties and holiday-makers to help make sure that people are aware of the need to check, clean and dry.

For more information please contact

Scott MacLean
Director environmental monitoring and operations
Ph 0274 119459