Media release

Further submissions invited on proposed Regional Policy Statement for Otago

Friday 11 September 2015

The Otago Regional Council is inviting members of the public to make further submissions on a proposed Regional Policy Statement for the Otago region.

Further submissions close in two weeks, on Friday 25 September, and must relate to a matter raised in an original submission by either supporting or opposing the view expressed.

ORC director of policy, planning, and resource management Fraser McRae said 156 people and organisations had made original submissions on the notified proposal.

A summary of changes to the proposed RPS requested by these submitters is available on the ORC website.

Requests for change cover a range of matters, including:

Setting an appropriate balance between enabling the use of resources and protecting the most valued resources;

Managing the connection between land, freshwater, and coastal water;

Providing for a range of activities, including infrastructure, mineral development, and waste management;

Providing more direction on assessing resource values;

Clarifying the outcomes sought in natural hazard management.

Regional, city, and district councils have to reflect the RPS when making planning decisions, and factor in the likely environmental, economic, cultural, and social effects of those decisions.

The regional council is required under the Resource Management Act to prepare and review the RPS every 10 years. City and district councils have liaised closely with ORC during the preparation of the current review.

Hearings for those who want to speak to their submission will be held in early November.

ORC councillors are expected to consider and approve a final version of the RPS early in the new year.

For more information contact

Fraser McRae
Director policy planning and resource management
Ph 03 4740827 or 0274 900903