o be held at Tarras Community Hall, Tarras-Cromwell Rd (SH8). Wednesday 1 April - 7pm to 9pm.
During this workshop ORC staff will give an overview of:
- Feedback received on the draft consultation documents.
- New information collected through recent ORC investigations into the catchment hydrology.
- Main findings from a study into the economic impacts of a minimum flow restriction on the local and regional economy.
- Suggested amendments to the minimum flow proposal.
Economic Impacts of minimum flow regimes on the Lindis River (Berl Economics) (1 MB)
Addendum to Section 4.3 of the Berl Report (109 KB)
Hydrological analysis to support an economic assemsnet of the potential impact of a minimum flow regime for the Lindis Rive. (OPUS) (5 MB)
For more information click here