Media release

ORC close to setting a minimum flow for the Lindis catchment

Thursday 26 March 2015

The Otago Regional Council (ORC) is hosting a minimum flow workshop for the Lindis catchment, at the Tarras Community Hall on Wednesday 1 April.

ORC director policy, planning, and resource management Fraser McRae said the workshop, which begins at 7pm, will consider evaluations for three possible minimum flow options for the catchment.

The meeting will also cover:

  • Feedback received on the draft consultation documents.
  • New information collected through recent ORC investigations into the catchment hydrology.
  • The main findings from a study into the economic impacts of a minimum flow restriction on the local and regional economy.

“This community consultation meeting is an important means for the council and community to review and discuss the options available before a proposal is presented to council in May. The proposal will then be open for public submissions,” Mr McRae said.

The minimum flow sets the level where water cannot be taken from a river under low flow conditions.