Public notice

Resource Consent Application from Southern Clams Limited

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Public notice of applications concerning resource consents pursuant to Section 95A(2)(a) of the Resource Management Act 1991. The Otago Regional Council has received an application from Southern Clams Limited for resource consents to establish three aquaculture sites within Otago Harbour.

Applicant: Southern Clams Limited
Applicant Number: RM14.106

The Otago Regional Council has received an application from Southern Clams Limited for resource consents to establish three aquaculture sites within Otago Harbour. The locations of the activity are identified by the marked areas below. At each location shellfish, including Bluff Oysters, Queen Scallops, Tuaki Clams and Paddle Crabs, will be held in cages for up to 8 weeks before being collected and sold commercially. The cages, which will be one metre long and stored up to three deep, will be suspended by long lines and floats. The areas are to be clearly marked with navigation markers, including lights and radar reflectors. A maximum of 50 cages will be held per long line. Structures are to be located within the harbour over a 38 week season each year approximately from May to December.

View the Southern Clams Ltd Resource Consent Application (9 MB)

The following permits are sought:

Application No: RM14.106.01 - Coastal Use Permit
To occupy part of the coastal marine area within Otago Harbour for the purpose of aquaculture.

Application No: RM14.106.02 – Coastal Use Permit
To disturb part of the coastal marine area within Otago Harbour for the purpose of placing structures associated with aquaculture.


Site 1: Adjacent to the main navigation channel approximately 930 metres east of Rocky Point
NZTM 2000 Midpoint Map Reference: E1416646, N4925063

Site 2: At the approximate midpoint between the main container wharf at Port Chalmers andHarwood, approximately, 1,700 metres south east of Rocky Point
NZTM 2000 Midpoint Map Reference: E1416991, N4924225

Site 3: Adjacent to the main navigation channel approximately 2,200 metres south west of Quarantine Point
NZTM 2000 Midpoint Map Reference: E1414997, N4921914

Legal Description:

Common Marine and Coastal Area, Otago Harbour.

The application includes an assessment of environmental effects and may be inspected at the Council’s office at 70 Stafford Street, Dunedin. Please contact Jamie Torrance at the Otago Regional Council on freephone 0800 474 082 if you have any questions about the application.

Any person may make a submission on the application. You may do so by sending a written submission to the Otago Regional Council, Private Bag 1954, Dunedin. Copies of a submission form are available from the Otago Regional Council office at 70 Stafford Street, Dunedin. The form can also be downloaded below.

Submission form (29 KB)

You can also make your submission by emailing it directly to

Email submission conditions apply as follows:

  • Only the email address above can be used. Submissions sent to other email addresses at the Otago Regional Council will not be accepted.
  • An acknowledgment of your submission will be sent by return mail following the close of submissions.

These conditions apply only to email submissions to Otago Regional Council’s publicly notified applications.

Submissions, either written or emailed, must include the following information:

  1. Your full name, postal address, telephone number (and fax number if applicable),
  2. Details of the applications in respect of which you are making the submission,
  3. The specific parts of the applications that your submission relates to,
  4. Your submission, with reasons for your views,
  5. Whether you support, oppose or are neutral regarding the applications or specific parts of it,
  6. The decision you are seeking from the consent authority,
  7. If you wish to be heard in support of your submission, and
  8. If others make a similar submission, if you will consider presenting a joint case with them at a hearing.
  9. Your signature, if posting or delivering a written submission to Council.

Submissions close at 5pm Friday 20th March 2015.

You must serve a copy of your submission on the applicant whose address for service is: Southern Clams Limited, PO Box 483 Dunedin, 9016, Attention: Roger Belton as soon as reasonably practicable after serving your submission on Otago Regional Council.