Public notice

Public Notice of Decision on Proposed Plan Change 3C (Waiwera catchment minimum flow)

Thursday 6 August 2015

The Otago Regional Council has made decisions on submissions to a change to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago (Water Plan).

Proposed Plan Change 3C (Waiwera catchment minimum flow)

This Proposed Plan Change introduces a primary and supplementary allocation and minimum flow regime for the Waiwera catchment.

The decision may be inspected at:

  • Otago Regional Council offices at:
    - 70 Stafford Street, Dunedin
    - William Fraser Building, Dunorling Street, Alexandra
    - The Station, First Floor, corner Shotover and Camp Streets, Queenstown
  • All public libraries throughout the Otago Region.
  • Service centres of Otago’s city and district councils.
  • Council’s website: Proposed Plan Change 3C (Waiwera catchment minimum flow)

Right to appeal to the Environment Court:

Those who submitted on the proposal may appeal the Council decision to the Environment Court within 30 working days of notice of decision being served (under clause 14 of Schedule 1, Resource Management Act 1991). Any such appeal must be in the prescribed form, and a copy of the notice must be sent to the Otago Regional Council in the manner prescribed by the Resource Management Act 1991.

Address for service of local authority:

Post to:
Otago Regional Council
Private Bag 1954
Dunedin 9054

Fax to:
(03) 479 0015

Email to:

Fraser McRae
Director Policy Planning & Resource Management